Category: Graphic Design

The Devil Wears Prada – Book Jacket Remix

I came across a set of beautiful illustrations from the talented designers over at These are in fact remix designs of artwork created by famous French illustrator George Barbier.…
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Project Sturgis – Data Specialist

Brief 🔗 Website Link A client of mine is a recent graduate in Computer Science and he asked if I could create a portfolio for him to showcase his work .…
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Ubimo Assets

Overview I was presented with an opportunity to join Ubimo’s team as a Digital Designer and they assigned a challenge for me. During this challenge I was given a report…
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Morgan Stanley Design Concepts

Presentation Design/ Graphic Design/ Brand Design Below is a small collection of concepts used to emulate how I approach designs for Morgan Stanley and its clients. Again, these are only concepts,…
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D. Sosa Single Artwork

Just a collection of some of the finalized and conceptual album/single artwork that I did for THE D. Sosa!
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Charity Water Mission Poster

An earlier project of mine. I was working on a proposed redesign of Charity Water’s logo, letter head designs, and I also designed a mission print as well. I made…
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Keeper of the Brand Redesign

A redesign of the Keeper of the Brand website. Built with Wix, it sports a multitude of elements and staying consistent with the color palette throughout the website. Please note:…
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Design by
Norris Girdy